Designer Tag
Digitalization of the information is the main idea behind of the Designer Pages. This service tries to provide a digital material library for interior design firms and designers. This service helps them to archive project’s information and experience for future.
Our approach to the problem of DesignerPages was to try to understand the sets of values of the different stakeholders in the process. As it is now, DP is just working as a library of products and materials for designers and as a way to organize the possible products inside a current project. For DesignerPages to achieve success we believe that they need to acknowledge all their different stakeholders and their values and ensure the quality of their information.
For that purpose we believe that we can turn DesignerPages into a multiuser, multidirectional platform, where designers can work through their whole process, manufacturers find important information about their business and project managers can follow the work of the designers. Our strategy includes:
- Build new and exciting ways for users to engage with DP
- Bring new knowledge, create an easy flow platform inside designer pages for designers to empower their work
- Bring manufacturers in with tools that return good value in return for their information
this is our first step...
Team Members: Julia Shao, Sara Tashakorinia, Aiko Ito, Juan Alfonso de la Rosa, Arnaud Dierickx, Tirdad Kiamanesh

This is Julia. She is a millennial. She loves travel, seeing new places and corious about the enviroument around her. She also an interior designer and she recently started to work in a big design firm as a junior designer

Julia: I love the styling behind this place,...the contemporary look but also the innovation and freshness.

Mike taps on her shouldersmiles and asks: Have you ever heard of Designer tag?
... you will see all the information you want about the interior and products and even if you can't find the info right away….you can simply tag the picture and other users within the community will supplement the information for you… here is how it works.

As Julia is walking to train station with her friend Mike after work, she noticed this really cool looking coffee shop that recently opened. As the curious and passionate interior designer she is, she asks mike to go in there to grab a coffee and check the place out!

As soon as they enter, she is so fascinated and amazed by the environment….the interior design, and colors. She loved the way this coffee shop made her feel.

Julia: There’s something really special about this glass and mirrored table. Hey Mike,... do you know who designed it? I could totally use them at my new project for Gensler.
Mike: yea I am blown away! It looks like Charlotte Lucas’’s work but I could be wrong.

Julia wished to know all about this place. Who designed this space? Where did they order this furniture?How could she get access to manufacturers and venders involve As all these questions and uncertainties goes through her head.

This is designer tag - The app that helps you to find out who created certain interiors and products.

All you need to do is take a picture And ...