An Archive designed for expansion
Diana Cholankeril, Shannon Delaney, Tirdad Kiamenesh, Ran Kuang, Becky Marshall, Apoorva Shenoy
Santosh Basapur, Zach Pino
University of North Texas ( UNT )
Overview of the project
This work represents a semester-long project by Institute of Design (ID) faculty, Santosh Basapur, and a group of six Masters of Design students in Spring 2017. They were given access to research findings on the User-Centered Design of Language Archives, and User Research for CoRSAL, compiled at the University of North Texas, by Shobhana Chelliah, Professor Christina Wasson and her student research team in Fall 2016. The team at ID was asked to explore the planning of the archive’s infrastructure in consideration of the multiple user issues surrounding its and use.
An archive designed for expansion is intended to help create a planned language archive portal for three main types of users:
Language communities (beginning with the Lamkang language community)
Researchers (primarily linguists and computational linguists)
Depositors (primarily field linguists)

There are current language documentation efforts by native speakers including the collection of traditional stories songs and videography of traditional dances and stories and work on creating a standard orthography.